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  • Updated 07.17.2024
  • Released 01.08.2003
  • Expires For CME 07.17.2027

Combined third, fourth, and sixth nerve palsies



Patients complaining of diplopia may have signs that indicate involvement of multiple ocular motor nerve palsies. These must be differentiated from single ocular motor nerve palsies, neuromuscular junction, myopathic disorders, and supranuclear disorders. Their recognition is important because the differential diagnosis includes a higher frequency of mass and inflammatory lesions in the vicinity of the orbital apex or cavernous sinus, which may require urgent therapy.

Key points

• Multiple ocular motor nerve palsies (combined third, fourth, or sixth nerve palsies) produce clinical manifestations that must be distinguished from extraocular muscle dysfunction, myasthenia gravis, and brainstem syndromes.

• Cavernous sinus lesions are responsible for most multiple ocular motor palsies; they often also cause Horner syndrome and trigeminal neuropathy affecting the first two divisions.

• Cavernous sinus lesions often extend into the orbital apex to cause an ipsilateral optic neuropathy.

Historical note and terminology

Multiple ocular motor palsies are present when ocular ductional deficits, with or without anisocoria and ptosis, lie in the domain of more than one ocular motor nerve. The manifestations may be unilateral or bilateral. The differential diagnosis includes lesions that arise in the brainstem, neuromuscular junction, or extraocular muscles.

“Ocular motor nerves” refers to cranial nerves 3, 4, and 6. “Oculomotor nerve” refers to cranial nerve 3.

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