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  • Updated 04.08.2024
  • Released 02.13.2006
  • Expires For CME 04.08.2027

Epilepsy surgery in children



Surgical treatment of children with intractable epilepsy is a standard and effective treatment option for a subgroup of children with drug-resistant epilepsy. The goal of epilepsy surgery is to improve quality of life by aiming to stop or reduce seizures. This may result in better chances to develop neurocognitive function. Surgery is usually considered when a child meets criteria for drug-resistant epilepsy. Epilepsy is defined as drug-resistant epilepsy when seizures persist despite a trial of two appropriately selected antiseizure medications in adequate doses (75). When the criteria for drug-resistant epilepsy are met, children should be evaluated for epilepsy surgery at specialized pediatric epilepsy centers. The Surgical Therapies Commission of the International League Against Epilepsy has recommended surgical consideration even in patients with well-controlled epilepsy with one or two medications if the patient has an epileptogenic lesion in the non-eloquent cortex (58). In this article, the authors discuss the most common surgically treated pediatric etiologies, including cortical dysplasia, perinatal strokes, and long-term epilepsy–associated tumors. Less frequent etiologies include hemimegalencephaly, Rasmussen syndrome, Sturge-Weber syndrome, tuberous sclerosis complex, Landau-Kleffner syndrome, and hypothalamic hamartomas (112).

Pediatric epilepsy surgeries are often extratemporal and include focal, lobar, multilobar, and hemispheric resections that are potentially curative and corpus callosotomy and vagus nerve stimulators that are palliative. Epilepsy surgery candidates in children frequently have poorly localizing and generalized EEG abnormalities and sometimes discordant electroclinical features. In the setting of an appropriate lesion on MRI, the lesion on MRI may supersede the EEG abnormalities (21; 153; 55). Postsurgery seizure control is obtained in 60% to 80% of children with resective surgery, and operative morbidity and mortality is less than that associated with long-term uncontrolled seizures. A delay in surgery has been linked to poor seizure and developmental outcome. The authors recommend that children with drug-resistant epilepsy should be promptly referred to pediatric epilepsy centers so that those with surgically remediable epilepsies can be identified and treated to optimize seizure and developmental outcome.

Key points

• Epilepsy neurosurgery in children strives to enhance cognitive development through early seizure control.

• Epilepsy neurosurgery in children is not the treatment of last resort. Children should be referred for evaluation once they fail two appropriately chosen antiseizure medications at optimum dosage.

• The most common substrate in pediatric epilepsy surgery is cortical dysplasia, followed by tumors. Hippocampal sclerosis is less frequent in children than in adult epilepsy surgery patients.

• Many children successfully discontinue antiseizure medications after successful epilepsy surgery.

• Success of epilepsy neurosurgery in children depends on removing the entire histopathological substrate.

Historical note and terminology

The development of pediatric epilepsy surgery centers is relatively new in clinical practice. Neurosurgery for epilepsy was initiated in Europe in the late 1800s and predates the development of clinical EEG and all of the antiseizure medications used today. The earliest patients were mostly adults, and epilepsy surgery in children was relatively rare until the pioneering work of neurosurgeon Sidney Goldring (45). With the introduction of continuous EEG-video telemetry and modern neuroimaging techniques, such as MRI, FDG-PET, and ictal SPECT, the late 1980s saw the development of multidisciplinary specialty groups involving pediatric neurologists, neurosurgeons, psychologists, and psychiatrists focused on diagnosis as well as operative and nonoperative management of children with therapy-resistant epilepsy (89). Although the initial clinical protocols mirrored those used by adult surgery programs, over the past decade the conceptual approach and surgical treatment of children with medically refractory epilepsy has undergone major evolution (48; 106).

This article will highlight the characteristics that distinguish epilepsy surgery in children and the conceptual framework for making clinical decisions in the era of modern neuroimaging and electrodiagnostics. Our goal is to show that surgery for epilepsy in the pediatric population is not the treatment of last resort. Instead, it has an important therapeutic role in the early treatment of children with surgically remedial syndromes who are at risk for epilepsy-induced cognitive and behavioral disabilities.

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