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  • Updated 06.05.2024
  • Released 07.16.1996
  • Expires For CME 06.05.2027

Hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage



The author provides an update on the progress in imaging modalities utilized in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. New prognosis scores are introduced, and the impact of an early do-not-resuscitate order is discussed. In addition, the latest clinical trials on blood pressure and intracranial pressure management are reviewed.

Key points

• An increase in hematoma size that is associated with poor outcomes may be predicted by head CT.

• Smooth and sustained control of blood pressure may improve functional outcomes.

• Coagulopathy associated with intracerebral hemorrhage increases the mortality rate and should be urgently corrected.

• Continuous hyperosmolar therapy, platelet transfusion without a clear indication, or antiepileptic medications in the absence of seizures are not beneficial.

• Minimally invasive surgery for supratentorial hemorrhage may reduce mortality but not functional outcomes.

• Surgical cerebellar hematoma evacuation is indicated if the volume is greater than 15 ml, in neurologic deterioration, brainstem compression, and hydrocephalus.

• Patient mobilization should be considered after 24 hours from onset, but not before, as it is associated with increased 14-day mortality.

• Graduated knee-to-thigh compression stockings are not beneficial for deep vein thrombosis prevention.

• Caregiver education improves coping with the challenges posed by intracerebral hemorrhage.

• The transfer of the patients to a center with specialized neurosurgical services may improve their outcome, whether they undergo surgery or not. Telemedicine may facilitate patient selection.

• Although patients presenting in coma rarely survive after surgical treatment, there is not enough information to recommend selection criteria for surgery.

Historical note and terminology

Intracerebral hemorrhage is bleeding into the brain parenchyma resulting from the rupture of a cerebral artery. It accounts for approximately 10% of strokes (106; 115). Hypertension is the leading risk factor for intracerebral hemorrhage, although its role has decreased over the past decades (115; 46).

Intracerebral hemorrhage was first demonstrated at autopsy by Wepfer in 1658, long before blood pressure could be measured (41). The term spontaneous or primary intracerebral hemorrhage implies the absence of a structural vulnerability. However, the most common causes of primary intracerebral hemorrhage are hypertension and amyloid angiopathy.

The introduction of CT in 1973 has markedly improved the diagnosis of intracerebral hemorrhage. CT reliably diagnoses bleeding and differentiates it from ischemic stroke. Brain MRI provides additional information about its evolution and etiology. CT angiography improves the diagnosis of secondary intracerebral hemorrhage and is as effective as digital subtraction angiography at detecting most vascular malformations.

Surgical treatment of hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage was first reported by Cushing (29). Despite advances in surgical techniques, such as CT-guided stereotactic aspiration and clot dissolution, with few exceptions, surgical treatment is still in the experimental phase.

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