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  • Updated 12.14.2024
  • Released 06.10.1997
  • Expires For CME 12.14.2027

Hypomelanosis of Ito



Hypomelanosis of Ito encompasses a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by hypopigmented skin lesions arranged in whorls or streaks along the lines of Blaschko. Extracutaneous manifestations are common, especially musculoskeletal and neurologic abnormalities. Several models of inheritance have been proposed, and cytogenetic studies have revealed a wide variety of mosaic chromosomal abnormalities, hence, the heterogeneity of associated systemic features. Thus, this group of conditions is believed to represent a nonspecific manifestation reflecting genetic mosaicism disrupting the expression or function of pigmentary genes.

Key points

• Hypomelanosis of Ito is a sporadic neurocutaneous disorder characterized cutaneously by hypopigmented skin lesions arranged in whorls and streaks along the lines of Blaschko.

• Though multisystem involvement is common, it is heterogeneous in presentation and commonly manifests with involvement of the neurologic and musculoskeletal systems.

• The most common neurologic manifestations include cognitive and behavioral problems in up to 70% and epilepsy in up to 50%.

• Neuroimaging findings can include cerebral or cerebellar atrophy, cerebral dysgenesis, or migrational abnormalities.

Historical note and terminology

Lines of Blaschko. Alfred Blaschko (1858 to 1922) was a German dermatologist.

Alfred Blaschko
(Contributed by Dr. Lorenzo Pavone.)

In 1901, he presented his original description of the distribution patterns of linear skin disorders after having examined more than 140 patients with linear lesions, such as epidermal nevi, sebaceous nevi, and nevus lipomatosus, and after carefully transposing the pattern in each patient onto dolls and statues (06; 29; 07). A composite diagram of these distribution patterns was then drawn and has subsequently been referred to as the lines of Blaschko.

Lines of Blaschko
Drawing of the "lines of Blaschko" originally obtained by Blaschko after examining more than 100 cases of congenital skin lesions distributed in mosaic patterns. (Contributed by Dr. Lorenzo Pavone.)

Hypomelanosis of Ito. In 1952 Minor Ito described a 22-year-old Japanese girl whose skin of the upper half of her body looked as “if the normal pigment was brushed off.” The depigmented skin lesions were widespread and symmetric, arranged in irregular shapes with “zigzag borders and splash-like spots” on the trunk and in a “linear pattern” down her arms. He defined these lesions as “nevus depigmentosus systematicus bilateralis” (28). No other physical abnormality was reported apart from asymmetry of breast size. At that time, Ito coined the term incontinentia pigmenti achromians (42) because the pattern of color loss was similar to that of the hyperpigmented changes seen in incontinentia pigmenti of the Bloch-Sulzberger type (OMIM #308300). Subsequent observations expanded the phenotype, and the name hypomelanosis of Ito was proposed to avoid confusion with incontinentia pigmenti (30); however, there is controversary regarding the diagnosis of Ito’s original patient.

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