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  • Updated 06.17.2024
  • Released 11.15.1999
  • Expires For CME 06.17.2027

Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring



Multimodal intraoperative monitoring techniques are considered the mainstay for various neurosurgical, orthopedic, vascular, and neurointerventional radiology cases. They allow critical ongoing evaluation of the functional nature of several neural pathways as well as clear identification of vital neural structures during the operation. This approach enhances the likelihood of a more favorable postoperative outcome. Intraoperative monitoring involves a multidisciplinary effort with coordinated input from anesthesiology, neurophysiology, and the operating surgical staff. Different modalities are available to monitor, continuously, important anatomic pathways and to assure the proper identification of eloquent neural tissue, which will be discussed in detail within this article.

Historical note and terminology

Intraoperative neurophysiological assessment or intraoperative monitoring has become an integral part of certain surgical procedures. It can be divided into two basic activities: (1) monitoring: continuous “on-line” assessment of the functional integrity of neural pathways, and (2) mapping: functional identification and preservation of neural structures (114). Intraoperative monitoring is mandatory if neurologic complications are expected due to the disease pathophysiology or if the surgery poses a high risk for neurologic injury. Several different methodologies are used, depending on the nature of the patient’s underlying condition and the needs of the surgical procedure.

The basis of these neurodiagnostic modalities, such as the commonly used somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP), were initially designed to objectively monitor clinical disease progression. With the advent of intraoperative motor evoked potentials in the mid-1990s, more and more of these clinical neurodiagnostic technologies are brought into the operative room. The goal of intraoperative monitoring is to (1) detect impending injury of the nervous system in time to be reverted or minimized by corrective measures; (2) teach the surgeon about the detrimental effects of seemingly harmless surgical maneuvers; (3) reassure the surgeon on the safety of specific surgical maneuvers; and (4) predict neurologic outcome (113).

Postoperative paraparesis, or other serious neurologic deficits, had been a feared complication stemming from spinal surgery, especially consequent to corrective intervention for scoliosis (145; 33; 64). The advent of intraoperative monitoring has reduced the risk of serious neurologic deficits (118). Somatosensory-evoked potential monitoring is now a standard of care for monitoring the dorsal column sensory pathways. This approach can detect, early on, potential impending damage to neural structures; thus, it is possible that injury may be averted. Ischemia and mechanical injury are the most likely mechanisms. Damage may arise from direct blunt trauma, excessive compression, distraction, stretching, or vascular insufficiency via embolus or thrombus formation. It should be noted that normal somatosensory potentials or motor-evoked potentials at the end of surgery do not guarantee the absence of delayed paraplegia. Thus, postoperative monitoring, especially after vascular procedures, is occasionally indicated.

Appropriate use of these intraoperative monitoring measures for surgical outcome improvement is still a work in progress. Monitoring provides services beyond simply the warning of the possibility of ensuing complications. It offers advance insight toward prompt intervention (93). A surgeon can feel reassured about the integrity of the spinal cord and can, therefore, extend the procedure to a greater degree. Patients and families can be relieved knowing that certain feared complications are screened for during surgery. Further, some patients may receive technically challenging procedures that would have been avoided in the absence of such feedback about the status of the nervous system. As Muthukumar states: “Considering the enormous costs of health care and the human suffering related to the development of postoperative paraplegia/quadriplegia, there is enough evidence to prove that the cost of performing IONM does not exceed that of providing health care to the injured patients” (90). Ibrahim and colleagues take a different position in expressing concerns that although intraoperative monitoring provides real-time analysis during the procedure, the data are also highly influenced by anesthesia, perfusion pressure, hypothermia, and hyperthermia, stating “…an obvious benefit of IONM providing optimal functional outcomes in patients has NOT been demonstrated. Both low sensitivity and low specificity can have detrimental effects on the surgery and adversely affect patient outcomes” (57). Much more needs to be learned before various intraoperative monitoring methods are standardized.

The frequency of publications devoted to intraoperative neurophysiological techniques has increased significantly over the past few years (142). This reflects continually striving to improve neurologic outcomes after surgery.

Intraoperative monitoring has long been performed in adults for many years; however, it was not as prevalent until the 1980s and early 1990s. Pediatric neurophysiological testing always requires additional considerations for the pediatric population, particularly in those younger than 2 to 4 years of age. Myelination is not complete in either the central or peripheral nervous systems; thus, morphology of the waveforms and its interpretations are nuanced. Additionally, axonal growth of the peripheral nerve does not reach adult size until around the age of 4, which impacts the recorded responses. However, unlike conventional nerve conduction studies and electromyography of the peripheral nervous system, intraoperative monitoring modalities are less constricted by the availability of age-matched standards. The patient’s presurgical responses adequately serve as an accurate baseline, with the goal of maintaining the stability of this baseline throughout the surgical operation. However, it remains imperative to consider the age-specific normative data and potential monitoring pitfalls (30). As such, acquisition of reliable and clinically meaningful neurophysiological signals in the operating room has an additional layer of challenge when it comes to the pediatric population.

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