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  • Updated 06.12.2024
  • Expires For CME 06.12.2027

Multiple cranial neuropathies: anterior skull base



This article considers cranial polyneuropathy syndromes associated with the anterior skull base, particularly the foramina of the anterior and middle fossa. This includes the cribriform plate for the olfactory nerves passing into the anterior fossa and various foramina of the middle fossa for cranial nerves II-VI: the optic canal, the superior and inferior orbital fissures, the foramen rotundum, the foramen ovale, and the foramen spinosum.

Historical note and terminology

This article considers cranial polyneuropathy syndromes associated with the anterior skull base, particularly the foramina of the anterior and middle fossa. This includes the cribriform plate for the olfactory nerves passing into the anterior fossa and various foramina of the middle fossa for cranial nerves II-VI: the optic canal, the superior and inferior orbital fissures, the foramen rotundum, the foramen ovale, and the foramen spinosum.

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ISSN: 2831-9125