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  • Updated 03.14.2024
  • Released 06.15.1998
  • Expires For CME 03.14.2027

Neurovascular injuries



Neurovascular injury is a broad topic that includes injury to different neuroanatomical sites such as the vertebral, basilar, and carotid arteries can occur either extracranially or intracranially and can manifest as an arterial dissection, pseudoaneurysm, fistula formation, and thrombosis or occlusion of the involved vessel. Spinal cord vascular injury can also occur due to trauma or perioperative complications. This article reviews the pathophysiological mechanisms and sequelae of these injuries, clinical presentation, modes of diagnosis, treatment strategies, and factors affecting prognosis involving the cervicocerebral vessels. Primary methods of treatment include medical management and neuroendovascular intervention. Surgical options and ongoing trials are also discussed. A clinical vignette and a section on pediatric blunt cerebrovascular trauma are included. In addition, updated references have been added to provide a comprehensive yet concise overview of this important and expansive topic.

Key points

• Neurovascular injuries can occur spontaneously or following minor or severe, blunt or penetrating trauma to the head and neck.

• A high index of suspicion is needed to diagnose vascular injuries accurately and in a timely manner because most patients have no focal neurologic deficit on presentation.

• Screening is recommended in patients with a head or neck injury and unexplained neurologic abnormalities, those with evidence of arterial bleeding, patients with specific spine, skull base, and facial fractures, and in severe closed head injuries, computed tomographic angiography of the neck is the preferred imaging procedure to evaluate the extent of injury.

• Screening can be accomplished using CT angiogram, MRI, MRA, or conventional cerebral angiography. When there remains clinical concern for vascular injury despite a normal or equivocal radiographic evaluation, catheter-based arteriography is useful for further evaluation. The benefit of arteriography is the ability to perform, in tandem, an endovascular procedure if needed.

• Patients with neurovascular injuries are at risk for ischemic sequelae, and the primary long-term treatment is antithrombotic or antiplatelet medications. Endovascular interventions are typically recommended for those patients who fail medical therapy or are not candidates.

Historical note and terminology

Neurovascular injury refers to damage to the major blood vessels supplying the brain, brainstem, and upper spinal cord, including the vertebral, basilar, and carotid arteries. These vessels are located both extra- and intracranially, and injuries can occur in either or both locations. Neurovascular injuries can manifest in multiple ways, including arterial dissection, pseudoaneurysm, fistula formation, and thrombosis or occlusion of the involved vessel. Vascular injuries can occur spontaneously or after either severe or mild forms of blunt or penetrating head or cervical trauma (98).

Historically, Ambroise Paré was the first to describe the successful treatment of a carotid artery injury in 1552 when he repaired a penetrating injury to the right common carotid artery caused by a sword. In 1798, John Abernethy ligated the common carotid artery of a man who suffered a bull gore injury to the neck. In 1803, a carotid artery laceration was repaired without neurologic deficit while at sea on the HMS Tonnant. The first reported case of a traumatic intracranial internal carotid artery aneurysm was found at autopsy by Guilbert in 1895. In the 1850s, Maisonneuve successfully ligated the vertebral artery at the transverse foramen after a stab wound to the neck (26). Autopsy findings of carotid artery dissections date back to the 1870s (107); however, it was not recognized as an etiology for stroke until the 1950s (59). In the 1940s, Kubik and Adams first described basilar artery insufficiency secondary to basilar artery thrombosis, and a decade later, Millikan and Siekert introduced the use of anticoagulation therapy for basilar artery thrombosis (26). Today, most blunt injuries are from motor vehicle accidents, and most penetrating injuries come from gunshot wounds (43; 49; 04).

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