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  • Updated 09.12.2024
  • Released 03.26.2007
  • Expires For CME 09.12.2027

Patent foramen ovale



Patent foramen ovale is a prevalent congenital cardiac defect, occurring in about 25% of the population. Although it is generally asymptomatic, studies have found associations between patent foramen ovale with ischemic stroke and migraine. The best management strategy for minimizing the risk of ischemic stroke in the setting of patent foramen ovale has long been debated; more recent randomized controlled trials have supported patent foramen ovale intervention in specific instances for the secondary prevention of ischemic stroke.

Key points

• Although often asymptomatic in the general population, patent foramen ovale is associated with two major neurologic conditions: stroke and migraine headache.

• Direct pathologic implications of patent foramen ovale in stroke and migraine occurrence remain unclear.

• The benefit of transcutaneous patent foramen ovale closure for stroke prevention has been demonstrated in several randomized controlled trials including CLOSE, REDUCE, and DEFENSE-PFO.

• The decision to refer a case for patent foramen ovale closure requires a thorough work up to evaluate for an alternate stroke mechanism.

• Interdisciplinary conversations between cardiology and neurology should occur prior to pursuing patent foramen ovale closure.

Historical note and terminology

In a significant proportion of the general population, there are various forms of interatrial communication, such as patent foramen ovale, atrial septal defect, and associated disorders such as atrial septal aneurysm. The foramen ovale is a flap valve structure formed by the septum primum and septum secundum in normal fetal cardiac anatomy; patent foramen ovale is the abnormal persistence of this hole into adulthood.

Atrial septal defect is a congenital defect in which there is an open interatrial communication with no overlying tissue. Patent foramen ovale is different from atrial septal defect as there is no septal tissue missing in patent foramen ovale (119). Atrial septal aneurysm, first described in the literature by Silver and Dorsey in 1978, refers to the redundant tissue in the region of the fossa ovalis (110). It is present if the base of the aneurysmal protrusion measures at least 1.5 cm in diameter and there is either a fixed protrusion of the fossa ovalis at least 1 to 1.5 cm into an atrium or phasic excursion of the fossa ovalis throughout the cardio-respiratory cycle exceeding 1.5 cm from the plane of the atrial septum (40; 90).

These disorders, although sharing some purported associations with disease states such as paradoxical embolic phenomena and cryptogenic strokes, are not synonymous and have different associated clinical features, complications, and controversies regarding their management. This article will focus on patent foramen ovale and its relationship with neurologic disease states, with a brief mention of associated atrial abnormalities, such as atrial septal defect and atrial septal aneurysm, as they pertain to patent foramen ovale. The importance of patent foramen ovale is clinically significant as the scientific literature has repeatedly raised concern of an association between patent foramen ovale and various neurologic disorders. These disorders include strokes caused by paradoxical embolic phenomena, cryptogenic strokes, transient ischemic attacks, migraines with aura, cluster headaches, cerebral autosomal dominant angiopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), cryptogenic and recurrent brain abscesses, obstructive sleep apnea, transient global amnesia, paradoxical air embolisms in neurosurgical patients undergoing surgery in the sitting position, neurologic decompression illness, and the presence of “multiple ischemic brain lesions” in divers, and deep white matter and periventricular white matter hyperintensities (on T2/FLAIR MRI sequences) in patients with Alzheimer dementia (70; 33; 64; 65; 28; 04; 94; 02; 53; 99; 69; 09; 88; 35; 59; 122; 97). However, a significant number of studies and expert opinions also question these associations and emphasize that these interatrial communications are generally innocent bystanders (36; 107; 74; 80; 95). Thus, the relationship of patent foramen ovales to neurologic diseases and the ways to best manage them are controversial issues.

The earliest documentation of paradoxical embolism through a patent foramen ovale is in the 1877 text of Julius Cohnheim followed by the 1880 paper by Moritz Litten (72). In more modern times, a group of investigators based in France postulated an important role for patent foramen ovale evaluation in young patients (less than 55 years of age) with cryptogenic stroke based on a case-control study (70).

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