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  • Updated 06.23.2024
  • Released 04.13.1994
  • Expires For CME 06.23.2027

Sturge-Weber syndrome



Sturge-Weber syndrome is a neurocutaneous disorder that presents with a facial capillary malformation (port wine birthmark), abnormal blood vessels on the surface of the brain (leptomeningeal angioma), and glaucoma. The discovery of the underlying somatic mosaic mutation in GNAQ, treatment trials, tissue studies, and the utilization of innovative neuroimaging techniques are leading the way to a new understanding of pathogenesis and potential treatment strategies. Patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome frequently develop seizures, focal neurologic impairments, visual problems, and cognitive deficits. Early diagnosis is important in providing optimal care for complications. In this article, the author summarizes research into the pathophysiology of this unique disorder and explains the most current diagnosis and treatment approaches utilized at the Hunter Nelson Sturge-Weber Syndrome Center at the Kennedy Krieger Institute. With collaborators, they published compelling new evidence that presymptomatic treatment, prior to the onset of seizures, can prevent early seizures and may improve neurologic outcome.

Key points

• Diagnosis of Sturge-Weber syndrome brain involvement requires an MRI with contrast.

• Sturge-Weber syndrome (and isolated port wine birthmarks) is usually caused by a somatic mutation in the GNAQ gene.

• Prolonged and frequent early seizures in infants and young children contribute to neurologic decline.

• Low-dose aspirin has been shown to decrease the frequency and severity of seizures and stroke-like episodes in Sturge-Weber syndrome.

• Evidence supports the use of presymptomatic treatment.

Historical note and terminology

Sturge-Weber syndrome documentation began when Schirmer first identified an association between bilateral facial angiomatous nevus and bilateral buphthalmos (eye enlargement) (85). In 1879 Sturge described a relationship between facial and ocular angiomatous lesions and cerebral pathology that led to focal seizures, as well as hemiparesis contralateral to the facial angioma (97). Kalischer provided neuropathological confirmation of the cerebral lesions (52). In 1922 Weber noted intracranial calcifications (113), which were also reported by Dimitri in 1923 (27).

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