Leigh syndrome
Dec. 26, 2024
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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas.
Subcortical vascular cognitive impairment, characterized by subcortical and executive cognitive dysfunction, is now recognized to be the most common form of vascular cognitive impairment. It arises on the basis of small vessel cerebrovascular disease, in turn, causing lacunar infarcts and ischemic damage to the deep subcortical white matter. Most importantly, the underlying etiologies are those of well-recognized vascular risk factors such as age, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes. This is, therefore, a form of cognitive impairment that is amenable to prevention, as well as to some element of symptomatic relief. Subcortical vascular cognitive impairment is sometimes identified in patients who also have biomarker, imaging, or pathological evidence of Alzheimer disease.
• Subcortical vascular cognitive impairment is the most common form of vascular cognitive impairment. It includes patients with subjective memory complaints, mild cognitive impairment, or dementia who have signs of small vessel disease (lacunar infarcts, subcortical white matter hyperintensities, enlarged perivascular spaces). | |
• The most severe cognitive deficits in subcortical vascular cognitive impairment are impaired executive function, reduced phonemic word generation, and reduced verbal processing speed. | |
• Seventy percent of the risk in subcortical vascular cognitive impairment is inherited. Hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and blood pressure fluctuation are other important risk factors. | |
• Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is a subtype of subcortical vascular cognitive impairment that is associated with executive dysfunction and mild cognitive impairment. It is characterized by the presence of one or more lobar hemorrhagic lesion, but it can also be associated with cerebral microbleeds, superficial siderosis, white matter hyperintensities, and enlarged perivascular spaces. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy increases the risk of developing coexisting Alzheimer disease dementia. | |
• Data from the SPRINT-MIND study showed that intensive blood pressure control in hypertensive individuals 50 years of age and older can significantly reduce the risk of mild cognitive impairment but not the risk of dementia. Another study demonstrated that favorable cardiovascular health behaviors (smoking cessation; regular physical activity; eating a healthy diet; maintaining a healthy body weight; and controlling hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia) can prevent progression of MRI signs of small vessel disease. |
Subcortical vascular cognitive impairment is now recognized as the most common form of vascular cognitive impairment. It includes patients with mild cognitive impairment or dementia who have signs on imaging of small vessel disease (subcortical lacunes, multiple microinfarcts, and/or extensive subcortical white matter changes). Its clinical pattern, risk factors, and imaging features are sufficiently consistent for it to be considered a single entity for the purposes of diagnosis, clinical trials, and management. Research criteria for subcortical vascular cognitive impairment initially included two subtypes: Binswanger disease and the lacunar state (34). The initial name for Binswanger disease was “subcortical arteriosclerotic encephalopathy” (02). At autopsy in patients with Binswanger disease, lipohyalinosis and sclerotic changes were found in the long, penetrating medullary arteries, especially those in the frontal lobes.
Leukoaraiosis. Significant small vessel disease was rarely reported before the arrival of CT scanning and MRI. Throughout the last 2 decades of the twentieth century, there were numerous reports of "Binswanger disease" diagnosed solely by the appearance of extensive white matter changes on neuroimaging but without clinical correlates. This is now recognized to be inappropriate. “Leukoaraiosis” was the term used to describe extensive subcortical white matter rarefaction on CT, and this term became erroneously synonymous with Binswanger disease (46). When MRI scans were developed, subcortical white matter hyperintensities (WMH) replaced the term leukoaraiosis as a sign of cerebral small vessel disease (arteriosclerosis, microinfarcts, gliosis and myelin loss) (42; 60; 142; 56; 64; 88).
Small vessel disease. Subcortical white matter hyperintensities can be associated with neurologic signs and psychological deficits, particularly the attention and speed components of executive function. Initial work suggested that only CT-demonstrated leukoaraiosis had clinical correlates, the interpretation being that MRI, a more sensitive tool, was detecting numerous asymptomatic lesions. That a majority of elderly individuals had some degree of white matter hyperintensities without necessarily being demented was taken to support this. The most consistent finding among patients with vascular dementia in one early MRI study was ventricular atrophy and not white matter hyperintensities (50). However, detailed neuropsychological assessment has subsequently shown that subtle, predominantly subcortical deficits like poor executive function and slowed processing speeds are associated with white matter hyperintensities in the absence of dementia and in community-based older subjects (30; 54; 67). Longitudinal studies have also demonstrated a correlation between increasing white matter hyperintensities and declining cognition (06; 56). These changes are closely associated with hypertension and other vascular risk factors. These findings, along with the close association between lacunar infarcts and hypertension, have led to the realization that subcortical vascular cognitive impairment begins with mild white matter hyperintensities and may progress to advanced subcortical vascular dementia with an underlying pathology comprising not only white matter hyperintensities but also incomplete infarcts, microinfarcts, and lacunar infarcts in the deep white matter (122; 127; 125; 142). Recent studies have shown that enlarged perivascular spaces are also features of small vessel disease that are associated with cognitive decline and dementia, independent of other markers of small vessel disease (87; 83; 08; 95; 35; 32). White matter hyperintensities that are juxtacortical are more likely to be associated with cerebral amyloid angiopathy, whereas deep frontal white matter hyperintensities are more often associated with arteriosclerosis (88).
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy. There are many ways that cerebral amyloid angiopathy manifests itself. Two common ways are with transient ischemic attacks or with a lobar intracerebral hemorrhage. The MRI findings of these patients may show evidence of a lobar hemorrhage, several cerebral microbleeds, superficial siderosis, white matter hyperintensities, and/or enlarged perivascular spaces (94; 14). Mild cognitive impairment is also commonly associated with cerebral amyloid angiopathy, and the typical cognitive profile (poor executive function and slow processing speed) is more similar to that seen in vascular cognitive impairment than it is with Alzheimer disease (13). In one autopsy study, participants with cerebral amyloid angiopathy had worse cognitive performance in the domains of perceptual speed, episodic memory, and semantic memory at the last clinical examination before the patients’ demise (09).
Cognitive tests. Early work confused the cognitive impairment of small-vessel cerebrovascular disease with Alzheimer disease, but this is now well recognized to be inappropriate. Consequently, case identification should be based on predominant frontal and executive cognitive impairment, rather than memory. Following from this, the use of the mini mental state examination (MMSE) is not advised because the MMSE is insensitive for frontal and executive deficits. It should not be used in rating or diagnosing subcortical vascular cognitive impairment. Tests including elements directed at frontal and executive functions are more appropriate, including trail making, digit symbol substitution, and VADAS-Cog (10). Validation data now exist for the 30-item Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in patients with vascular cognitive impairment (131; 85; 140; 142; 58) and the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination (revised edition) (86).
Early manifestations. Subcortical vascular cognitive impairment can present with slowing of mental processing, executive dysfunction, subjective memory complaints, or impairment in working memory (30; 42; 74; 54; 48; 142; 12; 27). These cognitive signs may be evident before functional problems appear, so the early subcortical vascular cognitive impairment patient technically qualifies as having “vascular cognitive impairment” instead of vascular dementia (45). These early manifestations may be found in a quarter of hypertensive individuals with white matter hyperintensities on MRI as early as the fifth decade.
Vascular risk factors. A history of hypertension and increased age were present as risk factors in those with periventricular white matter hyperintensities in the Whitehall II Study of older adults (42). In that study, higher body mass index (BMI) was associated with an increased amount of deep white matter hyperintensities. In another study, the waist-hip ratio was related to a higher probability of white matter hyperintensities, especially those identified in the deep white matter (68). These authors found that both higher BMI and waist-hip ratios contributed to greater amounts of deep white matter hyperintensities, as well as higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine levels, such as IL-6. One group showed that high values for systolic blood pressure, BMI, and non-HDL cholesterol were associated with increased risk for dementia in midlife, whereas low values can be associated with dementia risk in late life (26). In another study, higher metabolic genetic risk scores (calculated by counting 15 risk alleles associated with hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia) were related to faster accumulation of white matter hyperintensities (73). Others have shown that both high density lipoproteins (HDL) and low density lipoproteins (LDL) were associated with an increased risk of dementia and signs of small vessel disease (49).
Vascular dementia. Dementia is variable in subcortical vascular cognitive impairment and is not usually the presenting symptom. It evolves over 3 to 10 years and is gradual or intermittently progressive initially, but it often becomes gradually progressive without further clear-cut vascular events. Aphasia, amnestic intervals, and neglect are seen in some cases. Memory loss is less prominent in subcortical vascular cognitive impairment than it is in Alzheimer disease, the neuropsychological picture being that of executive dysfunction and slow verbal processing speed (30; 74; 54). Learning is also impaired (38). In an autopsy series from those who had evidence of both cerebrovascular disease and Alzheimer disease, there were premorbid signs of accelerated decline in verbal processing speed, verbal fluency, and naming abilities (36). At one year after stroke in those with small vessel disease, white matter hyperintensity volume more closely correlated with cognitive impairment than at the time of the stroke (20).
Other neurologic signs. Dysarthria, focal motor signs, incontinence, and gait disturbance evolve during the illness and may occur relatively early, although gait disturbance normally requires fairly prominent white matter hyperintensities on MRI and is more likely when this is frontal or periventricular or in the presence of silent infarcts or lacunar infarcts. When more severe, the gait disturbance has parkinsonian features. In one prospective study of 501 patients with cerebral small vessel disease, 26.3% had developed parkinsonism, dementia, or both after a median follow-up of 12.8 years (07).
Difficulty in leg use is out of proportion to other leg movements when lying or seated and also out of proportion to movements of the upper limbs and face, which are relatively preserved. Patients in the early stages of subcortical vascular cognitive impairment stand wide-based with the legs, arms, and trunk held straight (contrast this with Parkinson disease, where the base is narrow). The gait consists of short steps with a tendency to shuffle, especially when turning corners. The arm swing may be slightly reduced. Postural reflexes are preserved (in contrast with Parkinson disease, where the postural reflexes are often lost). In more severe cases, standing may be difficult, but even so, such patients can typically move their legs easily in a bicycling or walking action when seated (in contrast with Parkinson disease, where foot-tapping is slow). The gait is wide-based and the legs are held stiffly extended. The feet may appear stuck to the ground. Attempts to step forward are accompanied by forward flexing of the trunk and reaching out with the arms for support. These patients do not festinate; they would fall before increasing gait speed.
Psychiatric symptoms. Behavioral changes are early and prominent and may be the presenting feature in patients with subcortical vascular cognitive impairment. In most patients, there is progressively increasing abulia and apathy that is related to frontal deep white matter changes (43; 110). In subjective memory complaint patients who are very worried about memory loss, there was an association with higher white matter volume and faster cognitive decline (27). In patients with cerebral amyloid angiopathy, apathy is a symptom that has been linked to the microstructural damage of subcortical white matter networks (17). Depression is common and may be particularly related to frontal deep white matter lesions and reduction in gray matter volume (72). Apathy is also related to frontal white matter hyperintensities (43; 110). Some patients with subcortical vascular dementia may exhibit signs of pseudobulbar affect, where there are frequent episodes of laughter or crying in response to minimal nonemotional stimuli (103). Psychosis (with delusions or hallucinations) may be a feature in as many as 15% of those who have vascular cognitive impairment with dementia (22).
In the Cardiovascular Health Study, white matter disease increased in 28% of subjects over 65 years of age over the course of 5 years; the increase was usually modest, but nonetheless, it correlated with cognitive decline (77). More advanced disease progressed more rapidly, typically over 3 to 10 years.
Data are available on the progression of white matter hyperintensities on MRI and its cognitive correlates (Table 1). Cognitive correlates of white matter hyperintensities were universally found, and cognitive decline was four times faster in patients with the greatest progression of white matter hyperintensities. The changes reported in these studies were modest but may underestimate rates of change in those at greatest risk, as there was a pronounced tendency for patients with greater cognitive impairment to decline assessment (and they were excluded from PROSPER). In studies where factors predicting rate of decline were measured, greater disease (white matter hyperintensities or cognitive) at entry predicted more rapid increases in white matter hyperintensities and cognitive decline (113; 122). Lesion expansion, rather than new lesion formation, may account for a large proportion of the increase in volume of white matter hyperintensities, and lacunar infarcts tend to develop in regions of white matter hyperintensities as well. Other studies have confirmed that rate of progression increases with increased severity. In the Austrian Stroke Prevention Study, extensive white matter hyperintensities at entry doubled the rate of atrophy, but in addition, atrophy interacts with white matter hyperintensities to accelerate cognitive decline and psychomotor slowing (57). White matter hyperintensities also increase the risk of mild cognitive impairment progressing to vascular or mixed dementia (113). In the PROGRESS study, the incidence of severe cognitive deterioration over 4 years increased from 1.1 per 100 person-years in those with no white matter hyperintensities at entry to 9.1 in those with severe white matter hyperintensities at entry (31). Microvascular retinopathy, presumably sharing the same etiology, also correlates with evolving cognitive impairment.
Leukoaraiosis Progression | ||||||
Subjects |
Age |
Follow-up interval (years) |
Mean (ml/yr) |
Max (ml/yr) |
Cognitive domains affected | |
Cardiovascular Health Study (77) |
1919 |
74 |
5 |
N/A |
N/A |
3MS, digit symbol substitution and gait speed |
Rotterdam Scan Study (89) |
832 |
60 to 90 |
5.2 |
N/A |
N/A |
Stroop naming, letter-digit substitution; not memory or verbal fluency |
Austrian Stroke Prevention Study (102) |
329 |
60 |
3 and 6 |
0.23 |
5.23 |
Memory, conceptualization and visuopractical functions |
PROSPER (121) |
554 |
75 |
3 |
0.68 |
N/A |
Stroop for periventricular but not deep white matter changes |
Sydney Stroke Study (100) |
51 |
71 |
3 |
2.16 |
N/A |
Instrumental activities of daily living |
Nijmegen RUN DMC (122) |
276 |
62.5 |
9 |
.52 |
N/A |
Mini mental state examination |
Elevated blood pressure and other risk factors acting on putatively abnormal cerebral arterioles, put at risk in part by genetic predisposition to produce lipohyalinosis and, subsequently, areas of lacunar infarction and other ischemic changes such as incomplete infarction and multiple microinfarcts within the deep white and gray matter represent the nearest approximation to the etiology of periventricular white matter hyperintensities and subcortical vascular cognitive impairment (Jellinger 2013; 42; 130; 142). In cerebral amyloid angiopathy, the mechanistic basis for cognitive impairment is thought to be the associated presence of not only Alzheimer changes, but also white matter hyperintensities, microinfarcts, and microbleeds (13; 03; 14). One group showed that patients with mild cognitive impairment and increased arterial stiffness were more likely to develop the combination of white matter hyperintensities and beta-amyloid deposition on PET (52). Another group demonstrated that the presence of baseline amyloid burden in those with mild cognitive impairment was associated with a longitudinal functional connectivity decline in the default mode network, whereas greater subcortical lacune count was associated with greater functional connectivity changes in the executive control network (18). One hypothesis linking enlarged perivascular spaces with dementia risk is that the enlarged spaces reflect impaired clearance of brain amyloid and the subsequent accumulation of amyloid in the brain parenchyma (61; 95; 126). Another study showed that enlarged perivascular spaces in the basal ganglia were associated with poor scores on executive function tests, but not with poor performance on tests of other cognitive domains when age, sex, education, and other markers of small vessel disease were controlled for (16). Higher blood pressure, especially diastolic pressure, has been associated with the presence of enlarged perivascular spaces in all brain regions (35).
Traditional risk factors. Of the traditional vascular risk factors, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and diabetes are particularly important as predictors of subcortical vascular cognitive impairment and vascular dementia (75; 96; 73). In the Rhineland study, uncontrolled hypertension was shown to be more detrimental for women than for men in its effect on progression of white matter hyperintensities, regardless of age (76).
Histopathology and imaging changes. The histopathology in Binswanger disease is characteristic. The only typical gross external abnormality is slight gyral atrophy. Hydrocephalus ex vacuo is seen on sectioning. Discrete lacunae are seen in 93% of cases, typically in the centrum semiovale, internal capsule, and basal ganglia. The corpus callosum may be thinned but it is not ischemic. Confluent areas of white matter discoloration occur separately from the infarcts and are commonly occipital, periventricular, and sometimes frontal, but the changes are primarily in the centrum semiovale and around the ventricles. In these areas, the pathology is variable. The earliest changes are of swollen myelin sheaths and oligodendrocytes. Subsequently, incomplete demyelination and loss of oligodendrocytes develop followed by fragmentation of axis cylinders (02). Axons may be relatively preserved. Rarefaction and cavitation with scattered microcystic areas of infarction follow. Gliosis and myelin loss are associated with periventricular white matter hyperintensities whereas axonal loss, vacuolization, and arteriosclerosis are more commonly associated with deep white matter hyperintensities (42; 125). Subcortical association fibers are characteristically spared from direct lesions, but axons in the white matter remote from the lesions are reduced in number, presumably by Wallerian degeneration. Carotid disease may also coexist. Cortical infarcts occur in up to one third of cases and simply represent other manifestations of vascular disease. Enlargement of the lateral ventricles is typical in cases of vascular dementia (50). In a longitudinal population-based study of 346 cognitively normal individuals (70.7 years at baseline), the presence of each additional 10 mL white matter hyperintensity volume at baseline was related to faster whole-brain atrophy and greater ventricular expansion over time (64). The arterioles supplying the deep white matter exhibit lipohyalinosis with perivascular lymphocytes. A longitudinal MRI study of patients with small vessel disease showed that white matter hyperintensity volumes declined over 5 years in 9.4% of participants, but over 9 years in only one participant (122). Another longitudinal MRI study followed the fate of small diffusion-weighted imaging positive (DWI+) infarcts in 54 patients with small vessel disease (111). Of the 39 DWI+ lesions originally reported on 21 scans in nine participants, two lesions evolved into areas of white matter hyperintensity, four changed to the appearance of lacunar infarcts, three evolved into microbleeds, and 27 of the DWI+ lesions were no longer detectable after follow-up at 10 months. In one large autopsy study (age at death=89.5 years), those with more severe cerebral amyloid angiopathy and higher amyloid plaque burden had more tau deposition and more rapid cognitive decline (91).
Cerebral perfusion changes. There have been debates about the role of cerebral perfusion changes in the etiology of subcortical white matter hyperintensities. One study showed that hypoperfusion is the consequence of subcortical white matter hyperintensities, rather than the cause (105). A study demonstrated that greater carotid-femoral pulse wave velocities (reflecting increased central arterial stiffness) were associated with higher white matter hyperintensity burden (52). An interesting study of patients with internal carotid occlusion demonstrated that cortical microinfarcts were more common on the ipsilateral side of carotid occlusion than on the contralateral side, arguing for hypoperfusion as a contributing cause for cortical microinfarcts (119). Another study found that cerebrovascular reactivity was lower in patients with cerebral amyloid angiopathy (n=26), compared to age-matched controls (n=39) (04). Lower cerebrovascular reactivity in grey matter in these patients was associated with poorer global cognitive abilities, memory, and executive function. Even in older adults with normal cognition or mild cognitive impairment, lower cerebrovascular reactivity correlated with poorer global cognitive scores (108). Lower cerebrovascular reactivity to hypercapnia in white matter hyperintensity areas has been demonstrated using 7T MRI in patients with sporadic cerebral small vessel disease compared to controls (120). Using 7T MRI, pulsatility indices have also been shown to be higher in those with cerebral small vessel disease. Microvascular blood flow in the brain is primarily controlled by the neurovascular unit, which includes endothelial cells, pericytes, vascular smooth muscle cells, astrocytes, and neurons. Multiple factors that influence pericyte contractility (age, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and hypertension) appear to all have an influence on microvascular blood flow (05).
Axonal function. Mean diffusivity on diffusion tensor imaging MRI correlates better with cognition and gait than does the simple volume of white matter hyperintensities (69; 85; 141). Changes in diffusivity both predict and correlate with developing lesions and atrophy, suggesting that they are pathological and not just part of normal aging (24). Loss of axons leads to remote localized cortical thinning, which may lead to further cognitive and gait impairment and similarly, cortical atrophy correlates with extent of white matter hyperintensities (66; 118; 65). One study showed that the axonal injury marker, N-acetylaspartate (NAA), was a good imaging variable for classifying patients with subcortical vascular cognitive impairment (33).
Genetic risk. The primary pathology in subcortical vascular cognitive impairment includes arteriolar changes, but the genetic factors that lead to extensive small vessel disease in these patients are not fully understood. There is increasing evidence for genetic susceptibility. This might be suspected as it is a common clinical experience that subcortical white matter hyperintensities are not directly related in severity to hypertension and may progress over time in those with low-to-normal blood pressures. There is now direct evidence that genetic factors may play an important part in lacunar infarction and in the development of white matter hyperintensities, for which heritable factors account for 70% of variability (115; 99). In one study, higher genetic risk scores (15 alleles related to hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia) were associated with faster accumulation of white matter hyperintensities (73).
Apolipoprotein epsilon4 homozygotes have more white matter hyperintensities, and these patients progress more quickly than do those who are heterozygotes or noncarriers of this allelic variant (39). The APOE-e2 allele increases the risk of beta-amyloid deposition in brains of patients with subcortical vascular cognitive impairment compared to those who are e3/e3 carriers, but the e4 allele increases the risk even more (70). The APOE-e4 allele is seen in more cerebral amyloid angiopathy cases, compared to age-matched controls (94; 13). Carriers of the APOE-e4 allele are also at greater risk of having cerebral microbleeds identified on 3T MRI scans (78). In the Dutch-type of hereditary cerebral amyloid angiopathy, an autosomal dominant disorder, MRI changes of white matter hyperintensities and microinfarcts precede cognitive changes and intracerebral hemorrhages (124; 104). Those with cerebral microbleeds, independent of cerebral amyloid angiopathy, are more likely to carry an APOE-e4 allele (40; 78). Other cerebral microbleeds, also independent of cerebral amyloid angiopathy, have been identified in patients with dominantly inherited Alzheimer disease (59).
Those with hyperhomocysteinemia in association with MTHFR mutations are at increased risk of subcortical white matter hyperintensities and lacunar stroke, but not other stroke types (98). COL4A1 mutations have been recognized as producing subcortical white matter hyperintensities, usually in conjunction with intracerebral hemorrhage and retinal changes (93). Data from the UK Biobank found a locus in the VCAN gene (97) and the PLEKHG1 gene (116). A useful review has been provided by Marcus and Schmidt (79).
Monogenic inherited conditions that lead to subcortical vascular cognitive impairment are well recognized. One of these conditions is autosomal-dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), which is caused by a mutation on the NOTCH3 gene (21; 58). Early symptoms of patients with CADASIL include slower verbal processing speeds, impaired executive functions, and poor attention, whereas later symptoms include dementia (10). The prevalence of vascular cognitive impairment among patients with CADASIL can reach 40% to 48% (58). Another condition, confined mostly to Japan, is known as autosomal recessive arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CARASIL), where patients can also have stroke before the age of 40, but they also have unique features of premature loss of hair (alopecia) and attacks of low back pain (138; 05). Another condition, CARASAL (cathepsin A-related arteriopathy with strokes and leukoencephalopathy), has been described (11).
Breakdown of the blood-brain barrier. Breakdown of the blood-brain barrier is demonstrable in subcortical vascular dementia (53; 47; 130; 33), and plasma proteins can be found in glial cells in close relation to white matter hyperintensities. Matrix metalloproteinases can open the blood-brain barrier, and MMP-2 is increased in subcortical vascular cognitive impairment (33). Whether these changes are causal or merely consequences of ischemia remains to be established, although some extravasated plasma proteins are known to be neurotoxic. Decreased local blood flow and increased blood-brain barrier permeability correlate with each other and are associated with white matter hyperintensities (136).
Enlarged perivascular spaces. Enlarged perivascular spaces, thought to reflect impaired drainage of interstitial fluid, correlate with subcortical infarcts, microbleeds, progression of white matter hyperintensities, and the development of incident all-cause and vascular dementia (29; 87; 83; 08; 61; 95; 35). Specific correlation has been demonstrated between enlarged perivascular spaces in the hippocampus and verbal reasoning (55), and enlarged perivascular spaces in the basal ganglia and poor executive functioning (16), although the correlation between enlarged perivascular spaces and cognition measured crudely using the mini mental state examination in the general population did not reach significance (51). Nevertheless, enlarged perivascular spaces are markers for dysfunctional perivascular flow, a sign of poor interstitial clearance of beta-amyloid and other proteins (130; 08; 126). The presence of enlarged perivascular spaces has been added to the new Boston version 2.0 criteria for cerebral amyloid angiopathy (14). A Mendelian randomization study supported a causal association between hypertension and enlarged perivascular spaces in the basal ganglia and hippocampi in older adults (32). A longitudinal study in patients with small vessel disease showed an association between a specific diffusion tensor imaging measure of fluid passing along enlarged perivascular spaces (DTI-ALPS) and cognitive decline over time (71).
Interaction with Alzheimer pathology. Small vessel disease and Alzheimer pathology commonly coexist. Where this occurs, much of the progression of cognitive impairment by domain is related to the pathology. For example, higher white matter hyperintensities and tau correlate with more rapid progression of executive dysfunction, whereas a greater burden of amyloid correlates with more rapid progression of episodic memory, a domain predominantly affected in Alzheimer disease (139; 74; 48; 67). In general, it is the total burden of comorbid pathologies rather than either vascular or Alzheimer pathology that determines cognitive impairment, the presence of only one type offering some protection (132). Among older nondemented individuals, those with abnormal beta-amyloid biomarkers are at increased risk for accelerated disease progression along the Alzheimer continuum if they also have signs on MRI of small vessel disease (white matter hyperintensities, lacunar infarcts, or cerebral microbleeds) (37; 74; 52; 18; 59; 62). Endothelial dysfunction (measured with levels of CSF vascular endothelial cadherin) has been demonstrated in cognitively normal study participants who were positive for fluid amyloid and tau biomarkers (109). The synergistic effects between small vessel disease and Alzheimer disease were also evident in a study where longitudinal accumulation of cerebral microbleeds was shown to be a predictor of worsening of dementia in patients who had dominantly inherited Alzheimer disease (59). This synergistic effect was not seen among those who had already reached the dementia stage of Alzheimer disease. Others have examined the interaction of small vessel disease with beta-amyloid in predementia patients and found that there were synergistic effects of beta-amyloid with white matter hyperintensities but not with lacunes or microbleeds (101; 82). One study showed that greater baseline white matter hyperintensity volumes were associated with shorter times to the onset of mild cognitive impairment symptoms in participants with low CSF total tau levels and that there was no interaction between WMH volume and CSF p-tau or CSF A-beta levels (107). On the other hand, those with severe cerebral amyloid angiopathy progressed more rapidly to dementia if baseline amyloid plaque burden was high (91). Patients with Alzheimer disease have been shown to have a higher perivascular space volume than healthy age-matched controls (61). One group of investigators has advocated adding a measure of vascular burden to the AT(N) classification system for patients who are “at-risk” along the Alzheimer continuum because signs of moderate to severe cerebral small vessel disease appear to accelerate the rate of cognitive decline (19). On the other hand, another group found that Alzheimer biomarkers and signs of cerebral small vessel disease had independent effects on patterns of white matter changes in nondemented older adults who were enrolled in a large prospective multicenter imaging study (114).
The limited number of reported cases of subcortical vascular impairment makes estimating the incidence and prevalence of this condition nearly impossible. Some limited data are, however, available. In one study of 1000 autopsies of elderly patients, 3.8% had pathological evidence of subcortical vascular dementia. This figure increased to 6.7% when restricted to patients with cerebrovascular disease (112). Vascular cognitive impairment has been shown to be more prevalent among patients with genetically proven CADASIL (39.8%) than among age-matched controls (10.2%) (58). In this study, the lacune count was the only MRI parameter associated with vascular cognitive impairment; therefore, it is assumed that these patients qualified as having subcortical vascular cognitive impairment.
There are few data on prevention of subcortical vascular cognitive impairment. Risk factor modification, especially hypertension, is appropriate. There is now evidence from the SPRINT-MIND study that intensive treatment of hypertension (vs. standard blood pressure control) in those 50 years of age and older reduces risk of developing mild cognitive impairment (HR=0.81) (134). A meta-analysis demonstrated the efficacy of antihypertensive medication in reducing white matter hyperintensities but not atrophy (123). This may be especially true where hypertension coexists with diabetes (25). Regular physical activity can halve silent infarcts, but it does not affect white matter hyperintensities (133). Anticoagulation in those with atrial fibrillation may have a role through prevention of subclinical infarcts (129; 92); anticoagulation reduces vascular dementia by as much as 29% in those with atrial fibrillation (54). Extensive observational data suggest that greater physical activity in later life may protect against cognitive decline, an effect that could be mediated through modification of vascular risk factors. However, observational data could not eliminate the possibility that those of the elderly who were more active were already better cognitively; a randomized trial of physical activity in the sedentary elderly supports this possibility, as it showed no benefit for physical activity in preventing cognitive decline (106). Conversely, good cardiovascular health appeared to be protective (84). Smoking cessation is also recommended for those with vascular cognitive impairment (54). In the MRI substudy of the Swedish National Study on Aging and Care, favorable and intermediate (vs. unfavorable) global cardiovascular health profiles (never smoking, regular physical activity, healthy diet) and favorable BMI, glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure profiles were associated with slower progression of white matter hyperintensities (73).
A variety of other conditions may cause similar white matter changes on imaging but should be readily distinguishable from subcortical vascular dementia on other criteria. These conditions include multiple sclerosis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, carbon monoxide poisoning, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, HIV-associated dementia, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Pick disease, Alzheimer disease, leukodystrophies, gangliosidoses and mucopolysaccharidoses, metabolic disease (hepatic and renal failure), hypertensive encephalopathy, methotrexate leukoencephalopathy, and radiation encephalopathy.
Conditions that may be confused with subcortical vascular dementia on both clinical and neuroimaging grounds are relatively few. Normal-pressure hydrocephalus is the most important of these, as its classical presenting triad of gait disorder, urinary incontinence, and cognitive impairment (especially executive dysfunction) may resemble subcortical vascular dementia. It may occur in the same age group, and periventricular white matter changes will be seen in both conditions (41). Nevertheless, the pattern of white matter changes may differ, with deep white matter changes in the subcortical vascular dementia group being more prominent. The transependymal rim of CSF disappears after shunt surgery in patients with normal-pressure hydrocephalus, but the white matter changes of subcortical vascular dementia remain unchanged.
Progressive supranuclear palsy, especially when associated with cognitive decline, shares several clinical similarities (gait apraxia, dysarthria, abulia, pseudobulbar affect) but a history of hypertension and extensive subcortical white matter changes on MRI should help to distinguish subcortical vascular cognitive impairment. In addition, patients with progressive supranuclear palsy are more likely to experience early falls, to have vertical gaze palsy, and to have a reduced midbrain to pons ratio on MRI (80). Certain MRI measurements (MR hydrocephalus index and automated ventricular volumetry) can be used to distinguish normal pressure hydrocephalus from progressive supranuclear palsy (90).
Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus have been shown to have a high burden of small vessel disease features on MRI, even though they had fewer vascular risk factors than age-matched stroke controls (135). In particular, they had many enlarged perivascular spaces.
MRI. Because a wide range of conditions can resemble subcortical vascular dementia radiologically, appropriate findings on the history and clinical examination are mandatory. Neuroimaging is required and in advanced cases may demonstrate extensive white matter changes involving most of the centrum semiovale and sparing the U-fiber region, corpus callosum, and internal capsule. Extensive caps on the horns of the lateral ventricles and prominent periventricular rims of white matter change on MRI are not sufficient to make a diagnosis of subcortical vascular dementia but are compatible with the early subcortical vascular cognitive impairment.
Lacunar infarcts in the deep white matter and basal ganglia are common in those who develop dementia as a result of subcortical vascular cognitive impairment (137; 120). There is almost no correlation between focal histopathological change and MRI findings, all degrees of histopathological change short of infarction appearing broadly the same on MRI. Microbleeds, best detected using T2*-weighted MRI, are associated with small vessel cerebrovascular disease and correlate with increased cognitive impairment and are common, rising from 6.5% in those aged under 50 years to over a third in those 80 years or older (137). Cerebral microbleeds are especially common in patients with cerebral amyloid angiopathy, where the bleeds are usually cortical or subcortical (03). Hypertension, smoking, and alcohol consumption are associated with deep, but not lobar, cerebral microbleeds (78). Other vascular disease may coexist, but cortical infarcts, infarcts outside the centrum semiovale and large white matter infarcts (as distinct from confluent lesions) are not part of subcortical vascular dementia alone and suggest the presence of additional patterns of vascular dementia. It is always difficult to be sure that the white matter changes seen, especially on MRI, and the history of stroke are the only causes of cognitive decline. In cases of cerebral amyloid angiopathy, MRI scans can show white matter hyperintensities, cerebral microbleeds, and microinfarcts before cognitive or neuropsychiatric symptoms develop (124; 122; 03; 14; 64). Voxel-based morphometry can be performed with MRI to show such things as reduced gray matter volume in both orbitofrontal cortices of apathetic patients with cerebral amyloid angiopathy, compared to nonapathetic cerebral amyloid angiopathy controls (17). Task-free functional MRI scans have been used to demonstrate functional connectivity changes in the executive control networks of patients with subcortical vascular mild cognitive impairment (18). Studies have shown that 7T MRI scans are able to measure blood flow velocities and pulsatility indices in small penetrating arteries in the basal ganglia and the centrum semi-ovale of patients who have small vessel disease (120). Diffusion tensor imaging along the perivascular space (DTI-ALPS) is a marker of cerebral small vessel disease that has been shown, along with free water, to be associated with progression of cognitive decline in those who have small vessel disease (71).
Lumbar puncture. The removal of at least 20 cm3 of cerebrospinal fluid may help identify normal-pressure hydrocephalus, if indicated by the history and neurologic examination. CSF examination for IgG index and oligoclonal bands should be done if there is any question of multiple sclerosis. There are no diagnostic positive findings in the CSF in subcortical vascular dementia. A slightly raised protein may be seen occasionally (the CSF protein level should be no higher than the patient’s age). Studies have used CSF Alzheimer biomarkers to demonstrate an overlap between cerebral small vessel disease or endothelial dysfunction and Alzheimer disease (74; 67; 109).
Other tests. Other treatable causes of dementia should be excluded with biochemistry, hematology, thyroid function, vitamin B12, and vitamin D tests. The cardiovascular system should not be neglected. To identify modifiable vascular risk factors, electrocardiography, echocardiography, and carotid duplex Doppler examination should be performed. Genetic testing for the NOTCH3 mutation is indicated if CADASIL is suspected (21). Genetic testing for APOE is suggested in cases of cerebral amyloid angiopathy because persons with severe cerebral amyloid angiopathy are more likely to carry the APOE e4 allele (94). Amyloid PET is a potential biomarker for cerebral amyloid angiopathy because the amyloid ligand is capable of labeling vascular amyloid. Binding of the amyloid ligand to vascular amyloid takes place to a lesser degree than to the amyloid plaques of Alzheimer disease (104; 81).
Antihypertensive medications. Blood pressure reduction in the early predementia stage of subcortical vascular cognitive impairment is recommended because the SPRINT-MIND study showed that intensive blood pressure management of less than 120 systolic (vs. standard management of less than 140 systolic) was effective in reducing the risk of mild cognitive impairment in hypertensive older adults over a 5-year follow-up period (134). Nevertheless, this trial demonstrated no benefit of intensive blood pressure management in reducing risk of dementia. It is possible that these aggressive blood pressure management efforts were ineffective for preventing dementia once subcortical vascular cognitive impairment was already established. In fact, tight blood pressure control may actually be harmful for chronically hypertensive individuals who have lost the ability to autoregulate as a way to maintain normal cerebral perfusion pressure. The findings of the SPRINT study were consistent with the earlier results of PROGRESS, where use of perindopril reduced the risk of mild vascular cognitive impairment by 19% but had no effect on risk of dementia (54). These authors suggested that standard blood pressure control in patients with vascular cognitive impairment was still recommended for the sake of stroke prevention.
Cholinesterase inhibitors. Twelve placebo-controlled studies have been performed with cholinesterase inhibitors in patients with vascular dementia who had been free of any dementia drugs for at least 6 weeks prior to the trial (15). The clinical trials of donepezil (doses of 5 to 10 mg/day) showed significant cognitive benefit using the ADAS-cog as an endpoint. Galantamine trials were also successful but the rivastigmine trials (only two) did not show any cognitive benefit. These rivastigmine trials did, however, demonstrate behavioral benefit. In one long-term prospective study of patients with subcortical vascular dementia treated with rivastigmine (n = 245), improvement was seen in behavioral symptoms, as measured by the BEHAVE-AD scale (63). Another 26-week trial showed significant behavioral improvement with rivastigmine (6 mg/d) in patients with subcortical vascular dementia using the neuropsychiatric inventory scale (NPI) as an endpoint. Donepezil provided little cognitive benefit for vascular cognitive impairment patients with CADASIL (28). In that study, there were no significant differences between the effects of donepezil and placebo on change in the primary endpoint at 18 weeks (vascular-ADAS-cog score). There were significant changes, however, in two of the secondary outcome measures (both executive function scores). A systematic review of moderate to high quality studies showed that use of cholinesterase inhibitors in any type of dementia was associated with a reduction in all-cause mortality (117).
Other behavioral treatments. Emotionalism (pseudobulbar affect) is common in patients with subcortical vascular cognitive impairment. The Cochrane Database performed a systematic review on this topic, identifying seven trials (239 participants) where emotionalism appeared following stroke. It found moderate quality of evidence that antidepressants significantly reduced tearfulness and that the effect was not specific to any given drug (01). When pseudobulbar cases are more difficult to treat, there is also the alternative of dextromethorphan/quinidine, although the price is often prohibitive (103). Some patients with subcortical vascular dementia experience psychosis and agitation, especially when mixed dementia is present (22; 23). These authors reviewed strategies of optimizing doses of cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine, as well as using sequential trials of citalopram, gabapentin, and atypical antipsychotic drugs, such as quetiapine, to manage agitation and other disruptive behaviors. When psychotic symptoms develop in patients with dementia, it is important to investigate potential underlying factors, such as pain, sleep disturbances, and total number of medications (44).
Nonpharmacological treatments. Physical activity (at least 30 minutes of activity on at least 3 days per week) reduces the risk of cognitive impairment and vascular dementia in older adults, independent of age, education, or severity of subcortical white matter changes (128).
There is no specific information. As the deep white matter may have limited autoregulatory reserve, avoidance of hypotension, hypoxia, and drugs that impair autoregulation is prudent.
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Linda A Hershey MD PhD FAAN FANA
Dr. Hershey of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
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Dr. Kirshner of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.
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