Epilepsy & Seizures
Genetic epilepsy with febrile seizures plus
Nov. 11, 2024
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ISSN: 2831-9125
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ISSN: 2831-9125
Senior Pediatric Neurologist – Epileptologist
Deputy Director, Department of Clinical Epileptology, Sleep Disorders and Functional Neurology in Children
University Hospitals of Lyon (HCL)
Dr. Panagiotakaki received her MD degree from the University of Patras, Greece and her PhD in "Correlation of the genotype in Wilson’s disease with the clinical and biochemical phenotype" from the Athens Medical School, where she also completed her pediatric training. From 2004-2008, she worked as a Pediatric Neurologist at Robert Debré Hospital, in Paris. She was among the main partners of the ENRAH (European Network for Research on Alternating Hemiplegia, 2005-2011), and nEUroped projects (European Network of Rare Paediatric Neurological Diseases) financed respectively by the 6th and 7th Framework European programs. She is one of the founding members of the International Consortium for Research on Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood (www.iahcrc.net) created in 2014, and leader of the phenotyping projects.
Dr. Panagiotakaki was elected Deputy Coordinator of the International Consortium for the Research on Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood and other ATP1A3 related diseases (IAHCRC) for the years 2022-2024. As principal investigator in HCL in studies concerning alternating hemiplegia of childhood and genetic diseases with epilepsy and movement disorders, she is particularly interested in the genetic epilepsies and their multiple clinical expressions.
Dr. Panagiotakaki of University Hospitals of Lyon has no relevant financial relationships to disclose.