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Deformities of both legs, knees, and feet in American acromegalic giant Robert Wadlow

Photograph of the American acromegalic giant Robert Wadlow (1918-1940) from October 19, 1936, age 18 years and 8 months (height 255.9 cm, weight 197.7 kg), showing deformities of both legs (genu valga), knees and feet. Photograph from the private collection of Warren A. Raymond. (Source: de Herder WW, Raymond WA. Neuropathic foot ulcers in the tallest patients with acromegalic gigantism: a common and significant problem. Historical overview. Pituitary 2023;26[4]:333-9. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International [CC BY 4.0] license, The bottom part of this photograph, only showing the legs, was also reproduced in: Daughaday WH. Extreme gigantism. Analysis of growth velocity and occurrence of severe peripheral neuropathy and neuropathic arthropathy [Charcot joints]. N Engl J Med 1977;297(23):1267-9.)