Sleep Disorders
Sep. 02, 2024
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ISSN: 2831-9125
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Two cartoon panels illustrate the effects of overindulging in alcohol. "Night" (left panel) depicts a laughing man with friends seated at a table set with decanters labeled "Port" and "Sherry," holding a goblet of wine in his raised right hand and fruit in his left hand. "Morning" (right panel) depicts the same man lying in bed tormented by two imp-like figures personifying wine; "Sherry" hammers the man's head while "Port" prods his stomach with a red-hot poker. This indicates some of the symptoms of a hangover: headache and nausea. Published by Thomas McLean in London in the 1830s. (Source: Courtesy of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland. Public domain.)