Movement Disorders
Huntington disease
Jun. 19, 2024
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ISSN: 2831-9125
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(Source: Anonymous. A declaration of a strange and wonderfull monster: born in Kirkham parish in Lancashire (the childe of Mrs. Haughton, a Popish gentlewoman) the face of it upon the breast, and without a head (after the mother had wished rather to bear a childe without a head then a Roundhead) and had curst the Attested by Mr. Fleetwood, minister of the Parliamnet [sic]. Attested by Mr. Fleetwood, minister of the same parish, under his own hand; and Mrs. Gattaker the mid-wife, and divers other eye-witnesses: whose testimony was brought up by a member of the House of Commons. Appointed to be printed according to order: and desired to be published in all the counties, cities, townes, and parishes in England: being the same copies that were presented to the Parliament. London: Jane Coe., 1646. Image edited by Dr. Douglas Lanska.)