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Abstract of the metabolic processes and uptake mechanisms of vitamin B12 in humans

The arrows in the "metabolism" part of the figure indicate an increase (if pointing upwards) or a decrease (if pointing downwards) in the metabolite or vitamin B12.

Abbreviations: HC, haptocorrin (probably more commonly known as R-protein or transcobalamin I); HCy, homocysteine; MMA, methylmalonic acid; TC, transcobalamin; TC-R, the transcobalamin receptor, CD320; VitB12, vitamin B12.

(Source: Mathew AR, Di Matteo G, La Rosa P, et al. Vitamin B12 deficiency and the nervous system: beyond metabolic decompensation-comparing biological models and gaining new insights into molecular and cellular mechanisms. Int J Mol Sci 2024;25[1]:590. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International [CC BY 4.0] license, Note this figure was modified by Dr. Douglas J Lanska from the original, which was intended to compare divergent metabolic processes and uptake mechanisms of vitamin B12 across human, mouse, and zebrafish.)

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