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Box and whisker plots of length of hospitalization and special care among persons affected by foodborne botulism serotypes A, B, and E, Canada, 2006-2021

(A) Length of hospitalization, (B) length of time in a special care unit. The box and whiskers represent the data as quartiles; the whiskers (vertical lines) represent the top and bottom values, the box represents the 1st (bottom) to 3rd (top) quartiles of values, and the horizontal line in the middle of the box represents the median. The circles indicate individual data points including outliers. A single outlier for time in special care occurred for serotype E. (Source: Harris RA, Tchao C, Prystajecky N, et al. Foodborne Botulism, Canada, 2006-2021. Emerg Infect Dis 2023;29[9]:1730-7. Public domain.)