General Child Neurology
Chemical and drug poisoning in children
Dec. 11, 2024
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ISSN: 2831-9125
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The chart shows prevalence of self-limited epilepsy with autonomic seizures in relation to rolandic- and idiopathic childhood occipital epilepsy of Gastaut based on three independent studies of 949 children (Oguni et al 1999; Caraballo et al 2007; Panayiotopoulos 2007). (Contributed by Dr. A Covanis.). (From: Caraballo R, Cersosimo R, Fejerman N. Panayiotopoulos syndrome: a prospective study of 192 patients. Epilepsia 2007;48(6):1054-61. Oguni H, Hayashi K, Imai K, Muto K, Osawa M. Study on the early-onset variant of benign childhood epilepsy with occipital paroxysms otherwise described as early-onset benign occipital seizure susceptibility syndrome. Epilepsia 1999;40:1020-30. Panayiotopoulos CP. The birth and evolution of the concept of Panayiotopoulos syndrome. Epilepsia 2007;48(6):1041-3.)