Stroke & Vascular Disorders
Stroke associated with cerebral angiography
Apr. 21, 2022
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ISSN: 2831-9125
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Digital subtraction angiography images in the AP (A, B) and lateral (C) projection of a selective thyrocervical trunk injection demonstration of an arterial aneurysm (white arrowhead) and multiple dilated arterial afferents that drain directly into the epidural venous plexus (black arrows) without intervening capillaries. This is consistent with a spinal arteriovenous fistula (AVF). Reflux of contrast is evident in the right vertebral artery. This particular AVF is somewhat atypical in that the arterial side is vastly anomalous unlike the more common ones where the venous side becomes highly contrasted. (Contributed by Dr. Diana Gomez-Hassan.)