Leptomeningeal metastasis
Jun. 28, 2024
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Interior view of the skull base of a 50-year-old woman after 25 years of progressive disease. The tentorium cerebelli has been removed. The rest of the dura mater remains in situ to show the bowl-shaped pituitary fossa and the anteroposterior reduction in the size of the foramen magnum. The base of the skull is remarkable for the great size of the pituitary fossa, which measures 31 mm in its anteroposterior diameter and 39 mm in its transverse diameter and is 26 mm in depth. (Gibson case “MC” and Geddes case “EAS 07.”) (Source: Geddes AC. Report upon an acromegalic skeleton. J Anat Physiol 1911;45[Pt 3]:256-92. Public domain.)