Neuropharmacology & Neurotherapeutics
Drug-induced seizures
Mar. 21, 2023
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Each ganglion has three roots: the motor root is indicated by broken lines, the sensory root by dotted lines, and the sympathetic root solid lines. Mesial view, left side.
Legend: (c.a.) carotid artery; (c.g.) ciliary ganglion; (c.p.) carotid plexus; (c.t.) chorda tympani; (f.a.) facial artery; (f.n.) facial nerve; (f.n.f.) facial nerve fibers; (g.d.p.n.) great deep petrosal nerve; (G.g.) Gasserian ganglion; (g.n.) glossopharyngeal nerve; (g.p.n.) glossopalatine nerve (nervus intermedius); (g.r.) geniculotympanic ramus; (g.s.p.n.) great superficial petrosal nerve; (gen.g.) geniculate ganglion; (i.c.n.) internal carotid nerve; (i.c.t.n.) inferior carotico tympanic nerve; (j.n.) jugular nerve; (mas.n.) masseter nerve; (max.n.) maxillary nerve; (m.m.a.) middle meningeal artery; (m.n.) mandibular nerve; (n. of p.c.) nerve of the pterygoid canal; (o.g.) otic gnglion; (op.n.) ophthalmic nerve; (p.p. of g.n.) palatine portion of glossopalatine nerve; (s.c.s.g.) superior cervical sympathetic ganglion; (s.g.) sphenopalatine ganglion; (s.s.p.n.) small superficial petrosal nerve; (sub.g.) submaxillary ganglion; (t.n.) tympanopetrosal nerve; (t.p.) tympanic plexus; (tym.n.) tympanic nerve (Jacobson's); (v.n.) vagus nerve.
(Source: Bean RB. The cephalic nerves: suggestions. Anatomical record 1913;7:221-35. Image edited by Dr. Douglas J Lanska.)