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Glomerular layer of the adult dog stained by the Cajal’s gold chloride sublimate method

Fernando de Castro (1896-1918) drawing illustrating the glomerular layer of the adult dog stained by the Cajal’s gold chloride sublimate method. Legend: (g) Intraglomerular fibrous elements. (a) Radioglomerular corpuscles. (f) Fibrous cells are located superficial to the molecular zone, displaying most of their extensions oriented toward the deepest layers. Note numerous nuclei located in this region, corresponding to Cajal’s adendritic glia. (Source: De Castro, 1920. Instituto Cajal, Madrid, Spain. See: Figueres-Oñate M, Gutiérrez Y, López-Mascaraque L. Unraveling Cajal's view of the olfactory system. Front Neuroanat 2014;8:55. Creative Commons Attribution [CC BY] license,