Stroke & Vascular Disorders
Cerebral venous thrombosis
Apr. 21, 2022
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ISSN: 2831-9125
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Four children with quadrupedal gaits after surviving poliomyelitis, reported in neurologic textbooks from the early twentieth century. Top photograph: 7-year-old girl with a 5-year history of paralysis using a hands-and-knees crawl. “All the muscles in both legs except the iliopsoas of each side are paralyzed. The child can get around only by crawling.” (Published by Spitzy in 1912). Second photograph: Boy using a hands-and-knees crawl. “Infantile spinal paralysis (hand walker). (Observation of Professor O. Vulpius, Heidelberg)” (Published by Ibrahamin in 1915). Third photograph: Boy using a hands-and-feet “bear” crawl: “Poliomyelitis. Child seven years old. Severe paralysis of both legs, contracture at hip-joint, marked lordosis of the lumbar portion of the spinal column (‘hand-walker’)” (published by Zappert in 1908 and Oppenheim in 1911). Note the accentuated lumbar lordosis, marked atrophy of the leg muscles, and back-kneeing (genu recurvatum). Bottom photograph: Boy using a hands-and-feet “bear” crawl: “Infantile spinal paralysis. So-called ‘hand walker’ as a result of severe dural and lumbar poliomyelitis” (published by Bing in 1921). Note the marked atrophy in the pelvic girdle and leg muscles. (Contributed by Dr. Douglas Lanska. Public domain. Courtesy of Google Books.)