Headache & Pain
Migraine aura without headache
Jul. 29, 2024
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Overlap of functional connectivity networks of the individual lesions in published case reports on hemispheric infarcts accompanied by vertigo (positive correlations with the lesion site). The figure shows an overlap of eight or more cases. Common vestibular network hubs to all lesions include the cerebellar vestibular and ocular motor representations in lobules IX (nodulus, uvula); lobule X (flocculus/paraflocculus); the vestibular nuclei (VN); the thalamus; the parieto-insular vestibular cortex (PIVC), which includes insular gyri IV, V (anterior and posterior long insular gyri), area OP2, and retro-insular cortex; the posterior insular cortex (area PIC); motion-sensitive temporal and cingulate areas MT + and CSv (cingulate visual area); ocular motor and vestibular intraparietal areas LIP and VIP (lateral and ventral intraparietal area); and the frontal and cingulate eye fields (FEF, CEF). The color bar gives the number of overlapping lesion functional connectivity networks. (Source: Conrad J, Boegle R, Ruehl RM, Dieterich M. Evaluating the rare cases of cortical vertigo using disconnectome mapping. Brain Struct Funct 2022;227[9]:3063-73. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International [CC BY 4.0] license, creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0.)