Infectious Disorders
Infective endocarditis
Aug. 27, 2024
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Functional connectivity networks of the right- and left-sided lesions of the posterior insula that did not lead to vertigo/dizziness (n=10 cases). The functional connectivity network observed in these lesions was remarkably similar, involving the vestibulo-cerebellum and the cortical vestibular and ocular motor networks. The color bar shows t score intensities. Abbreviations: IX, X cerebellar lobules IX, X, MT+ motion-sensitive temporal area, PIVC parieto-opercular (retro-) insular vestibular cortex, PIC posterior insular cortex, FEF frontal eye field, CEF cingulate eye field, LIP/VIP lateral/ventral intraparietal area, CsV cingulate visual sulcus. (Source: Conrad J, Boegle R, Ruehl RM, Dieterich M. Evaluating the rare cases of cortical vertigo using disconnectome mapping. Brain Struct Funct 2022;227[9]:3063-73. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International [CC BY 4.0] license,