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Topsy elephant death press photograph

Topsy elephant put to death by electrocution at "Luna Park," a Coney Island amusement park, in 1903. A press photograph from the January 4, 1903, electrocution of Topsy the elephant in an event to raise publicity about the opening of the new Coney Island amusement park "Luna Park," which was still under construction. The photograph was taken just when 6600 volts of electricity was turned on. Behind Topsy is the bridge over the lagoon of the "Shoot the Chutes" ride to an island in the middle. On the island is the unfinished "Electric Tower" with a sign advertising "OPENING MAY 2ND 1903 LUNA PARK $1,000,000 EXPOSITION, THE HEART OF CONEY ISLAND," and "FOUNDATION OF 200FT ELECTRIC TOWER" in the background. (Source: Wikimedia Commons. Public domain.)