Stroke & Vascular Disorders
Cardiovascular intervention: neurologic complications
Apr. 25, 2024
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Comparison of MRI from a 50-year-old woman with left vestibular schwannoma (a, b) and a 49-year-old man with right vestibular schwannoma (c) in the internal auditory canal. The inner auditory canal schwannoma presented (a, c) relatively equal hyperintense (long arrows) on intravenous gadolinium-enhanced 3D-FLAIR and (b) asymmetric hypointense (long arrows) on 3D-T2WI compared with the contralateral side, and the nerves in the internal auditory canal were unclear. (c) Axial 3D-FLAIR image showed vestibular hydrops grade III (short arrow). Note: abnormal cochlear (arrowhead) or vestibular (arrowhead) perilymphatic enhancement was shown on the same side compared with the contralateral side (a, c). (Source: Li J, Li L, Jin X, et al. MRI can help differentiate Ménière's disease from other menieriform diseases. Sci Rep 2023b;13[1]:21527. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International [CC BY 4.0] license,