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Number of reported vaccine-preventable poliomyelitis cases per 100,000 population, Sweden 1910 to 2019

Observed incidence and median (95% CI) pre-vaccination incidence based on the main and sensitivity analyses, Sweden 1910- to 2019. Gray-shaded areas represent pre-vaccination periods. CI, confidence interval. (Source: Martin LJ, Galanis I, Lepp T, Lindstrand A. Estimated number of reported vaccine-preventable disease cases averted following the introduction of routine vaccination programs in Sweden, 1910-2019. Eur J Public Health 2023;33[6]:1188-93. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International [CC BY 4.0] license, Modified by Dr. Douglas J Lanska to show only poliomyelitis cases with legend, whereas the original also showed curves for pertussis, measles, and mumps, and the legend was not connected with the poliomyelitis curve.)

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Associated Disorders

  • Aseptic meningitis
  • Bulbar polio
  • Bulbospinal polio
  • Infantile paralysis
  • Nonparalytic polio
  • Paralytic polio
  • Polioencephalitis
  • Post-polio progressive muscular atrophy
  • Post-polio syndrome
  • Spinal paralytic polio