Sleep Disorders
Sleep and epilepsy
Sep. 05, 2024
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Quantitative EEG in a 60 year old with mental status changes due to serial seizures. Right hemispheric seizure (oval) present on the seizure probability trend (1st row) appears as a red block. This corresponds to the “footprint” seen in the rhythmicity spectrogram (rows 2 and 3). Note the greater power in row 5 (right hemisphere) on the FFT spectrogram concordant with the relative asymmetry spectrogram (red= right), asymmetry absolute index (upward deflection= right), and amplitude integrated EEG. The recording duration is 1 hour, and the seizures recur every 10 minutes. (Reproduced with permission from Demos Medical Publishing, LLC. Adult EEG: An interactive Reading Session. Brenner RP, Scheuer ML. 2nd ed. 2014.)