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Ophthalmic (ciliary) ganglion with ciliary nerves

(A) The superior rectus is slightly rolled, so that the lower face, to which the nerve is inserted, is exposed; (B) Levator palpebrae superioris; (C) Superior oblique muscle; (D) Trochlea; (E) Portion of the medial rectus with a branch of the oculomotor nerve ; (F) Portion of the inferior rectus with the branch of the oculomotor nerve; (G) Lateral rectus muscle seen from the internal face; (H) Insertion of the inferior oblique muscle; (I) Portion of the upper eyelid; (a) Optic nerve; (b) Trochlear nerve (a portion cut off); (c) Abducens nerve inserted into the lateral rectus muscle; (d) Oculomotor nerve; (e) Superior branch of the oculomotor nerve; (f) Branch of the oculomotor nerve to the superior rectus muscle; (g) Branch of the oculomotor nerve to the levator palpebrae superioris; (h) Inferior branch of the oculomotor nerve; (i) Branch of the oculomotor nerve to the inferior rectus muscle; (k) Branch of the oculomotor nerve to the medial rectus muscle; (l) Branch of the oculomotor nerve to the inferior oblique muscle; (m) The frontal branch of the fifth pair of nerves (V1) was cut off; (n) The (external) nasal branch of the fifth pair of nerves (V1) was cut off; (o) Two ciliary nerves arise from the nasal cavity; (p) Ophthalmic (ciliary) ganglion lateral to the optic nerve; (s) Upper bundle of ciliary nerves composed of three nerves; (t) The lower bundle of ciliary nerves is larger; (u) The shoot of the ciliary nerves is bent outward and approaches the eye in a long loop.

Note: some small cap labels omitted.

(Source: Zinn JG. Descriptio anatomica oculi humani. Göttingen, B. Abrahami Vandenhoeck, 1780. Tab VI, Figure 2. Public domain. Figure edited and labeling translated and updated from the original French labels by Dr. Douglas J Lanska.)