Sep. 28, 2023
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ISSN: 2831-9125
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(A) Undifferentiated NREM sleep, (B) Poorly structured N2 with K complexes (arrows), (C) REM sleep behavior disorder. Abbreviations: EOG: electrooculogram; Ment: electromyography (EMG) of mentalis muscle; EKG: electrocardiogram; FDS: EMG of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle left (L) and right (R); AT: EMG of the anterior tibialis left (L) and right (R); NAS: nasal air flow; THO: thoracic respiratory movement; ABD: abdominal respiratory movement. Note the calibration mark for time / EEG voltage (A). All pictures represent a 30-second epoch. REF: EEG electrodes were referenced to both ears. (Contributed by Dr. Carles Gaig.)