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Left frontal cortico-subcortical hyperintense lesion on FLAIR in decompression sickness

FLAIR images 4 and 5 days after onset due to decompression sickness. MRI done 4 days after clinical onset (left and center) and 5 days after clinical onset (right) show a left frontal cortico-subcortical hyperintense lesion (red arrows), also observed in other long-time repetition (TR) sequences (eg, T2-weighted and proton density sequences). (Source: Sánchez-Villalobos JM, Fortuna-Alcaraz ML, Serrano-Velasco L, et al. Breath-hold diving-related decompression sickness with brain involvement: from neuroimaging to pathophysiology. Tomography 2022;8[3]:1172-83. Creative Commons Attribution License [CC BY],