Epilepsy & Seizures
Hemiconvulsion-hemiplegia-epilepsy syndrome
Apr. 03, 2023
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Legend: (a) hypoglossal nucleus; (b) vestibular nucleus; (c) tractus solitarius; (d) restiform body; (e) substantia reticularis; (f) hilus of olivary nucleus containing cerebello-olivary fibers; (g) anterior lateral sulcus; (h) pyramid; (i) anterior median fissure; (j) anterior longitudinal bundle; (k) medial longitudinal bundle; (l) nucleus tractus spinalis; (m) trigemini (spinal trigeminal nucleus); (n) lateral cochlear nucleus; (o) ventral cochlear nucleus; (p) ascending anterior cerebello-spinal, spinothalamic, and rubrospinal tracts; (q) posterior lateral sulcus; (r) medial fillet, interolivary stratum; (s) anterior external arcuate fibers; (t) arcuate nucleus. (Source: Gordon A. Diseases of the Nervous System: for the General Practitioner and Student. Philadelphia: Blakiston's Son, 1913.)