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Alternative route for metabolism of galactose to the pentose phosphate pathway via galactonate

The names of the human enzymes that catalyze each reaction are reported in blue color. The name of the synthesized compound is reported in grey color. The colored blocks indicate the chemical groups modified in each reaction. The red dot in beta-keto-D-galactonic acid indicates the anomeric carbon atom (C-1) that is removed via decarboxylation. This step has been proposed to be enzymatically achieved, although the specific mammalian decarboxylase has not been identified yet. (Source: Conte F, van Buuringen N, Voermans NC, Lefeber DJ. Galactose in human metabolism, glycosylation, and congenital metabolic diseases: time for a closer look. Biochim Biophys Acta Gen Subj 2021;1865[8]:129898. CC BY License,