Metastatic epidural spinal cord compression
Oct. 17, 2023
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Back row from left to right: British respiratory physiologist Claude Gordon Douglas FRS (1882-1963), German biochemist Carl Neuberg (1877-1956), French astronomer and mathematician Jean Mascart (1872-1935; at Tenerife to observe Halley's Comet), German physician and pulmonologist Gotthold Pannwitz (1861-1926), Austrian physiologist Arnold Durig (1872-1961), "Piasse," and Austrian physiologist and physician Hermann von Schrötter (1870-1928). Middle row from left to right: German pathologist Johannes Orth (1847-1923), Mrs. Neuberg, Commadant (Commander) Bachmann, British physiologist Sir Joseph Barcroft FRS (1872–1947), German physiologist Nathan Zuntz (1847-1920). Front row from left to right: German physician Gotthold Pannwitz (1861-1926), "Carrière." (Source: Mascart J. Impressions et observations dans un voyage à Tenerife, Paris: Flammarion, 1912. Public domain.)