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Rabbit olfactory bulb, frontal section

Cajal's drawing of the frontal section of the rabbit olfactory bulb, showing the layered distribution of cells. Legend: (1) Olfactory nerve layer. (2) Glomerular layer. (3) External plexiform layer. (4) Mitral cells layer. (5) Inner plexiform layer. (6) Granular and white matter layer. (a) Peripheral tufted cells, (b) middle; (c) internal (d) short axon cells. (Source: Ramón y Cajal S. Estudios sobre la corteza cerebral humana. IV. Estructura de la corteza cerebral olfativa del hombre y mamíferos. Trab Lab Invest Biol 1901;1:1-140. Instituto Cajal, Madrid, Spain. Figueres-Oñate M, Gutiérrez Y, López-Mascaraque L. Unraveling Cajal's view of the olfactory system. Front Neuroanat 2014;8:55. Creative Commons Attribution [CC BY] license,