Peripheral Neuropathies
Hereditary amyloid polyneuropathy
Jan. 26, 2024
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Protein (red line) which needs to be imported into the peroxisome complexes with Pex5-short (Pex5-s) if transported via PTS1 or Pex7 and/or Pex5 long (Pex5-L) if transported via PTS2 (Blue figures). These complexes dock with Pex13/14 (orange) and then are transported by Pex10,12, and 2 (Green) into the peroxisome. There Pex5 and Pex7 release their cargo and are recycled via translocate through the membrane via Pex2 and recycling by of Pex1, 6, and 26 (light green). (Contributed by Dr. Kimberly Chapman.)