Systemic sclerosis
Jun. 06, 2024
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32-channel stereoelectroencephalographic referential recording of a spontaneous hippocampal onset seizure. The recording from the left hippocampus (inner contacts of depth electrode 2 = channel 5) is enlarged at the top of the figure. Spectral analysis of the 32 channels is shown at right for four time windows (1, 5, 7, and 9). Note the anatomical position of the eight depth electrodes. The contacts recorded are numbered in the Talairach schema and are arranged from top-left to right-bottom in the power spectra maps (frequency 0 to 30 Hz). Note the clear-cut power maximum in the channel 5 recording from the left hippocampus with progressive involvement of the outer contacts of depth electrodes 3 and 4 in window 9. (Contributed by Dr. Heinz Gregor Wieser.)