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"Goblet” sign of subcallosal ischemia

"Goblet" sign is a neuroradiological sign proposed to rapidly recognize the lesional pattern of subcallosal ischemia or infarction. This is best visualized on axial diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) sequences in the acute phase (Pardina-Vilella L, Pinedo-Brochado A, Vicente I, et al. The goblet sign in the amnestic syndrome of the subcallosal artery infarct. Neurol Sci 2018 Aug;39[8]1463-5). Concomitant involvement in the territory of the recurrent artery of Heubner can occur in association with subcallosal artery ischemia. (Source: Mazzacane F, Ferrari F, Malvaso A, et al. Acute amnestic syndrome in fornix lesions: a systematic review of reported cases with a focus on differential diagnosis. Front Neurol 2024;15:1338291. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International [CC BY 4.0] license,

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