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Mid-modiolar area of the cochlea and correlated axial cryosections

Cropped axial delayed gadolinium-enhanced 3D FLAIR images at the mid-modiolar area of the cochlea and correlated axial cryosections with hematoxylin and eosin staining (magnification, × 7) and color overlay. (a) Normal cochlea (grade 0); in the normal cochlea, one can recognize the interscalar septum (arrow), the scala tympani, and scala vestibuli. The scala media is normally minimally visible. (b) Cochlear hydrops grade 1; the scala media becomes indirect visible as a nodular black cut-out of the scala vestibuli (arrow). (c) Cochlear hydrops grade 2; the scala vestibuli (arrow) is fully obliterated due to the distended cochlear duct. (Source: Bernaerts A, Vanspauwen R, Blaivie C, et al. The value of four-stage vestibular hydrops grading and asymmetric perilymphatic enhancement in the diagnosis of Menière's disease on MRI. Neuroradiology 2019;61[4]:421-429. Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International [CC BY 4.0] license,