General Neurology
Fibular neuropathy
Jan. 07, 2024
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A series of nine separate field tests to demonstrate and evaluate the penetration of GB (Sarin) nerve gas into "hard targets." The tests were conducted at the Chemical Corps Proving Ground at Dugway, Utah. Dugway Proving Ground (DPG) is a U.S. Army facility established in 1942 to test biological and chemical weapons, located about 85 mi (137 km) southwest of Salt Lake City, Utah. Test animals (goats, rabbits, pigeons), whose resistance to GB is comparable or slightly higher than that of humans, were placed in targets of varying hardness (a "hard target" is heavily defended or not accessible to the general public). Targets included a sandbagged machine gun position, a two-man covered foxhole, a hasty fortification, and a concrete command post bunker. (Source: U.S. Army video "Penetration of Fortified Targets by GB Nerve Gas." National Archives and Records Administration ARC Identifier 2123704/Local Identifier 175.12, Department of Defense. Department of the Army. U.S. Army Materiel Command. U.S. Army Munitions Command. Edgewood Arsenal. [08/01/1962 – 1971]. DVD copied by IASL Master Scanner Timothy Vollmer. Creative Commons Attribution License [reuse allowed]. PublicResourceOrg. Video trimmed to 4:29 minutes by Dr. Douglas J Lanska.)