Autoimmune autonomic neuropathy
Aug. 31, 2024
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PSG recording shows spontaneous propriospinal myoclonus jerks (a) in brief clusters or (b) isolated during relaxed wakefulness preceding sleep onset. (c) The recording of a propriospinal myoclonus jerk shows a slow rostro-caudal propagation of muscular activity. At high paper speed, it is evident that the onset of the EMG activity is in the recti abdominis muscles with ordered spreading to more rostral and caudal muscles (dotted line).
Legend: EOG: electrooculogram, Mylo: mylohyoideus muscle, Mass: masseter muscle, SCM.: sternocleidomastoid muscle, Delt.: deltoideus muscle, Intercostalis: intercostalis muscle, Rect. Abd.: rectus abdominis muscle, Parasp.: paraspinalis muscle, Rectus Fem.: rectus femoralis muscle, Tib. Ant.: tibialis anterior muscle, ECG: electrocardiogram, Abd. Resp.: abdominal respirogram, R.: right, L.: left
Used with permission from Elsevier. From: Baldelli L, Provini F. Fragmentary hypnic myoclonus and other isolated motor phenomena of sleep. Sleep Med Clin 2021;16(2):349-61.